Welcome To Georgetown SVG Revisited Home Page
Written history of Georgetown, SVG, is extremely hard to find. Considering that the island's main money making industry was once located in Georgetown, this is hard to comprehend. Many of us along with the current generation will mostly learn of Georgetown's once bright and vibrant past history from elders who remember the thriving times of this once great money making Town.
Often referred to as Sugar City. Volcanic eruptions and hurricanes contributed much to its near demise but it was the closure of the Sugar cane factory at Mt Bentinck in the Sixties that brought the Town to its knees.
Many people called it a Ghost Town, perhaps with some justification, because it was a sight for sore eyes after the last volcano eruption in 1979. And to be fair some parts of the town are still a sight for sore eyes due to a large number of abandoned homes by absentee owners. But time has seen Georgetown, looking good again. New villages such as Maxwell, has been formed, Chili, has emerged as the main entertainment hub, and some beautiful homes can be seen throughout the Town. All that is required now is One or Two more businesses to provide some form of employment for the locals.
Georgetown has the potential to once again challenge the capital Kingstown, as a main hub. People traffic though Georgetown, is huge be it mostly seasonal. Anyone from the South wanting to go to Soufriere, Salt Pond, or Black Point Park have to come to Georgetown. Those from the North wanting to go to Kingstown or the to Leeward beaches, must pass through Georgetown. There are numerous opportunities for anyone who are business orientated.
A professionally run tour guide operation set up in Georgetown, is a requirement. Soufriere is in our back yard we should know it better than anyone. I feel that this is an opportunity missed if it hasn't been put in place already. Foreigners and Locals visiting on vacation would love it if there was such a service. We must not wait for the Government to provide everything, self employment is a great option.
About Me
Most people will know me as Terry, but I was christened Calvin. Some of us were not called by our birth names when we were young boys but by our nicknames. If we had one, it stuck with us for life. So I will answer to either.
I was born and raised in Georgetown, sometimes referred to as Cobo Town or Browns Town. I attended the Georgetown Government School and Bishops College for a short time (1972-1974)
Like most kids in the Sixties, I was left in the care of my grandparent when my mother "Vanda" left to seek employment in England. I joined my mother in England when I was Thirteen, but I never forgotten the country of my birth or the people that I grew up with. I have visited many places and they were all great experiences but like a magnet I am always drawn back to St Vincent. It is where I am happiest. There is no place like home.
I am passionate about where I was born and grown. Growing up on the Island were the best times of my life. I know that it helped to shape me into the person that I am today. Like many of you, I was taught important life values from a young age, like respect for my elders, cleanliness and having good manners all of which I still try to uphold.
So what is this site about?
Well the purpose of this site is to share my home town experiences and memories, and hopefully encourage some of you to do the same. I will also share my collection of past and current photos to give you an idea how the Town has evolved. I am also hoping to inform and educate all those who visit the site, of what life was really like for our fore parents during the European occupation of our island. Not much unbiased information has been written about the way our island has been decimated both by man and though natural disasters but there are some material, and these are what I will base my writings on.
How You can contribute?
I believe that there are a lot of untold history about Georgetown, but sadly, most of the older generation are no longer here to enlighten us and historical data has been destroyed by various hurricanes, but perhaps stories has been passed down, so if you have a story to share about any topic or you want to make a comment about the site, click here I would love to hear from you.
Check out my photo gallery to see how much the place has changed or perhaps not changed. In box me if you have any questions. I always love to hear from fellow Vincentians.
I have included some useful links below, please click on any of the boxes below to view.
Copyright/Disclaimer Notice
You are welcome to use any material or photographs from this web site, for personal projects.In all cases I will ask, at minimum that credit (and a link) be given to www.georgetownsvgrevisited.co.uk and all copyright banners on images remain intact.